Daily Delight Devotional – Saturday, June 3, 2023
If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small.
– Proverbs 24:10, KJV
Adversity is a state of affliction which is contrary to our well-being. The Bible says “Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might”- Ephesians 6:10, KJV. The day you are determined to overcome adversity to pursue your destiny is when you discover that there are oppositions. But God’s grace is sufficient for you to handle it.
The day of adversity is not the day to be weak, to hide your face and start crying. It is not the day to be tired but to be engraced with supernatural strength. You may be at the point of breakthrough and your situation looks hopeless. That is the strategy of adversity – to get you discouraged. Do not despair for your God specialises in impossibilities. Don’t let your adversity makes you faint instead let it make you pray.
The Bible says, “Men ought to pray and not to faint” – Luke 18:1, KJV.
Insight: Adversity may appear hopeless but grace will appear in good time for God’s intervention.
Prayer: Father, engrace me with supernatural strength to overcome every challenge that comes on my way in the name of Jesus.
Further Bible Reading: Psalm 34:19
Daily Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians 10:3-6