Divine Light – #DailyDelightDevotional

Daily Delight Devotional – Saturday, June 10 2023

In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

– John 1:4, KJV

It is the life that Jesus gives that brings light into man’s life. So, without Jesus, man does not have light and shall remain in utter darkness. Like a lighthouse guiding the ships to safety, the divine light of Jesus guides us safely through life to our heavenly home.

In light, there is hope but in darkness, only fear. Christ the divine light gives us abundant life and he sealed it in His blood. Man is blinded by sin and has no hope of seeing God and His love but man is not left in his blindness because Jesus, the light of God came to open our eyes to the truth.

Salvation, therefore, is the light destination into the manifestation of the power of God. God wants to make us peculiar people so we can shine His light on this planet.

Surrender your life to God and seek Him daily to come to the light.

Insight: Scripturally, you are called to resist the devil and darkness because the devil works in darkness.

Prayer: Father, let the light of God showcase me to become a lighthouse in the darkness of the earth in the name of Jesus.

Further Bible Reading: 1 Peter 2:9, John 1:5
Daily Bible Reading: John 8:12

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