Daily Delight Devotional – Saturday, July 22 2023
If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land.
– Isaiah 1:19, KJV
Obedience is the criteria for your eating the good of the land. For you to live in houses you did not build and drink from wells you did not dig, to enjoy the fruits of vineyards and olive trees you did not plant, you must be obedient. The good of the land is reserved for those who are obedient to God’s commands. When you obey the Lord, He will manifest Himself to you. There is always a miracle ahead of the obedient one. When you obey the Lord, you will make it where others fail. Obedience always moves the hand of God. It moved His hand in the life of Abraham to grant him the blessing of children. Obedience is simply when you heed the revealed will of God for your life.
Insight: When you choose to obey God’s commands, you are setting yourself up for a miraculous blessing.
Prayer: Father, baptise me with the spirit of obedience in the name of Jesus.
Further Bible Reading: I Kings 17:9
Daily Bible Reading: Jeremiah 29:1-11