Daily Delight Devotional – Sunday, October 22, 2023
I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.
Ecclesiastes 9:11
The Bible teaches us that time and chance happen to all. According to Webster’s Dictionary, opportunity is a favourable juncture of circumstances, time, and place. Every person has opportunities to advance in life, as we are constantly presented with them. However, many people fail to realize these opportunities and, as a result, cannot seize them. George Shinn wisely said, “Opportunity starts with attitude; opportunity is everywhere if you will only create it.” Having the right attitude is crucial, as individuals with a negative attitude toward life are unlikely to recognize opportunities. Often, the problem isn’t a lack of opportunities but rather an individual’s attitude and ability to make effective use of their time and chances.
Consider the story of Bartimaeus, a blind man who heard that Jesus was passing by. He immediately recognized an opportunity and thought, “This is my time; I’m going to take a chance.” Time and chance happen to all. The key is to be prepared and recognize opportunities when they arise. Even when opportunities appear small, it is important to seize them, as they can be stepping stones to your destiny.
Insight: An unprepared mind cannot see opportunities. If you don’t see them, you cannot seize them.
Prayer: Father, may time and chance that create opportunities locate me in the name of Jesus.
Further Bible Reading: John 4:19-44
Daily Bible Reading: Revelation 15:1-8