Daily Delight Devotional – Monday, June 12 2023… The overwhelming reason we should pray is that our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ prayed. Jesus is our best role model in the realm of prayers. He prayed to His Father with great intensity and frequency…
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Week 24 – Prophetic Prayer Manifestations. 7 #PropheticPrayerManifestations for this week – Sunday, June 11 – Saturday, June 17 2023. Father, engrace me with supernatural consecration to be spiritually sensitive and prayerful to hear me daily in the name of Jesus. But know that the LORD hath set apart…
We serve a God of Newness. He is in the business of providing and making all things new in His time. We were never created to remain at the same age, position or same level in life. We are designed to grow, increase and move from one level of life to another. As we are in a new month and ready for the new levels, we must begin to look back at the last month, reevaluate and…