Daily Delight Devotional – Wednesday, August 2 2023
As for thee also, by the blood of thy covenant, I have sent forth thy prisoners out of the pit wherein is no water.
– Zechariah 9:11, KJV
A prophecy had been given before now that the blood of Jesus would be shed to lift men out of the waterless pit. The veil that was torn in the temple was a symbol of Jesus’ flesh. When His flesh was torn, causing His Blood to be shed, those who had been imprisoned by sin, sickness and Satan were set free. A waterless pit is anything that will not allow you to have a peaceful life. Water symbolises rest, comfort, refreshing and solution. A man in a waterless pit, therefore, is a man who lacks comfort. He has no access to the things that make life enjoyable. As soon as Jesus shed the Blood and gave up the ghost, the graves were opened. Those who had been in the waterless pit were brought out. You miss a lot of benefits when you do not give the Blood of Jesus its rightful place in your life. Countless accidents have been averted by the mention of that Blood. Healing have taken place through the application of the Blood. Life has been infused into dying souls when they began to plead the Blood. The Blood of Jesus has been manifested more than ever in this generation. The Lord is opening the eyes of His people more to the usage and power in His blood era. How frequently do you apply the Blood?
Insight: Even the devil knows it is the Blood that overcame him. The issue is, do you possess that knowledge? Do you know the power that is in the blood of Jesus? Do you know what exactly it has done for you?
Prayer: Father, I release the blood of Jesus into the camp of my enemy in the name of Jesus.
Further Bible Reading: Exodus 11:4-6
Daily Bible Reading: Romans 15:3-7