Daily Delight Devotional – Wednesday, August 9 2023… God has wonderfully made us. At the same time, He has given us good minds and common sense. Carelessness and neglect of our physical well-being bring about some sicknesses and injuries to us
Daily Delight Devotional – Tuesday, August 8 2023… We eagerly desire the greater gifts — those gifts are supernatural in nature; the signs and wonders…
Daily Delight Devotional – Monday, August 7 2023… you must first come to truly understand what the Bible says concerning the spirit world and how to take…
Daily Delight Devotional – Sunday, August 6 2023… The Blood is for honour, the benefit of the blood receives honour in the eyes of the Lord and therefore…
Daily Delight Devotional – Saturday, August 5 2023… Jesus came to give redemption to Man yet many mistake this… the Blood of Jesus has redeeming power…
Daily Delight Devotional – Friday, August 4 2023… Jesus did not only come to give you a comfortable life… Salvation is only possible through the Blood…
Daily Delight Devotional – Thursday, August 3 2023… The Lord died in your place. On the cross of Calvary, He bore your sicknesses, pains, heartaches, and all…
Daily Delight Devotional – Wednesday, August 2 2023… A prophecy had been given before now that the blood of Jesus would be shed to lift men out of the…
Daily Delight Devotional – Tuesday, August 1 2023… At the cross of Calvary, there was an exchange and subsequent release: Jesus took your place and died in…
Daily Delight Devotional – Monday, July 31 2023… The blood of Jesus is the multi-dimensional power and the surest way to break through into your total…