7 Prophetic Prayer Manifestations for This Week… Father, every scourge of premature death shall pass over me and my household in the name of Jesus.
And now he
7 Prophetic Prayer Manifestations for This Week… My Father my Father show me step to my progress this week in the name of Jesus. I will instruct you and teach
7 Prophetic Prayer Manifestations for This Week… Father, shake out failure and frustration from my life. Evil prophecies shall not stand neither shall they
7 Prophetic Prayer Manifestations for This Week… Abba Father, anoint me to prosper amid scarcity throughout this week in the name of Jesus… Father, engrace
7 Prophetic Prayer Manifestations for This Week… Father, let every Sanbalat and Tobiah of my destiny be bound by chains of fire in the name of Jesus. Hear our
7 Prophetic Prayer Manifestations for This Week… Father, let any power that is proclaiming that my voice shall not be heard be silenced by thunder because
Father, bless me with physical, material and spiritual blessings to make a difference in the kingdom throughout this week in the name of Jesus.
Blessed be the
7 Prophetic Prayer Manifestations for This Week… Abba Father, whatever I desire shall manifest with supernatural abundance and I will never be a victim of
7 #PropheticPrayerManifestations for This Week… Father, every form of opposition assigned by Satan shall bruise under my feet and the grace of God shall be