You can be free from the dominion of iniquity when you take orders from God. By this, you will have freedom from slavery, debt, health problems, troubles…

We serve a God of Newness. He is in the business of providing and making all things new in His time. We were never created to remain at the same age, position or same level in life. We are designed to grow, increase and move from one level of life to another. As we are in a new month and ready for the new levels, we must begin to look back at the last month, reevaluate and…
My dream is renewed for a new level of results. A dream is a clear picture of a better future. But for us that are Christians, it goes better than that. A dream is a clear picture of a better future inspired by the scriptures. The scriptures help us to shape our value system so that when we capture an idea, it benefits us, benefits our communities, and our generation. A dream is also a desired…