Evaluate Your Life Through Intercession – #DailyDelightDevotional

Daily Delight Devotional – Friday, September 1 2023

I exhort, therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;

– I Timothy 2:1, KJV

You are urged by the Scripture to pray for your nation. She needs your prayers. Don’t criticize your government if you are not truly praying for it. Evaluate your life by your prayer list and your prayer time.

Do you pray by name for your governor, your senators and lawmakers? Do you pray for your church pastors, members and fathers in the faith? Have you been a spiritual watchman for your church, your city and your community? This is God’s call to you and me. We are to be watchmen for our churches, our cities and our nation. We are to keep a spiritual awakening and we are to pray.

Every believer must take serious spiritual responsibility for their family and invest prayer in their family. Your earnest prayer can expand your life beyond any other limits that you can reach. Measure your life by your fervent prevailing prayer for others and for Christ’s kingdom.

Evaluate your spiritual stature and the height of your life by the frequency with which your intercession really touches heaven. Daniel’s prayers touched heaven. Three times God sent the angel Gabriel to assure him of that (Daniel 8:15-18).

You can do more to move the world for God on your knees than you can in any other way. You can bless more lives through intercession than you can in any other way.

Insight: Measure your life by the number of the unsaved for whom you travail in prayer.

Prayer: Father, empower me and baptize me with the fire and spirit of intercession daily in the name of Jesus.

Further Bible Reading: Matthew 26:37-40
Daily Bible Reading: Joshua 10:1-10

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