Daily Delight Devotional – Sunday, September 3 2023
He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.
– 1 John 4:8, KJV
There is nothing in your life more important to God than your love. You are what you love. You are as great as your love but no greater. Satan wants you to forget how important your love is in the sight of God. God measures our lives by our love for Him.
Enoch was great because His love for God was great. David was a man after God’s own heart (Acts 13:22) because he had a heart for God; he longed to be with God in His presence more than all else. John was greatly beloved because of his great love.
God is measuring your love for your fellow Christians. If you love God, you quickly recognize the love of God in others. Love is realistic. It recognizes differences and values them. It dissolves prejudice, misunderstanding and suspicion. Christian love heals hurts. Love has eyes to see and understand hope, potential and encouraging words.
Insight: It takes God’s grace to love those who annoy you, pester you and even harass you. Measure your love by copying the love of Jesus.
Prayer: Father, plant your real love into my heart and spirit mind in Jesus’ name.
Further Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 5:29
Daily Bible Reading: Isaiah 60:14-18