Kingdom Mindedness – #DailyDelightDevotional

Daily Delight Devotional – Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Then tidings of these things came unto the ears of the church which was in Jerusalem: and they sent forth Barnabas, that he should go as far as Antioch.

Acts 11:22 (KJV)

In every circumstance, believers should recognize that God works all things together for their good. The early church experienced persecution, causing believers to be scattered to various places. When news of revival and miracles in Antioch reached the ears of the church in Jerusalem, they sent Barnabas to investigate. The persecution that had scattered the believers had inadvertently opened the door for the Gospel to reach new places.

If you are facing trials, persecution, or challenging times that are testing your faith, do not despair. Just as God used the church’s persecution to reposition them for His purpose, God can use your current situation to reposition you for His divine plan. When your mind is focused on advancing the kingdom of God, He will provide you with opportunities to fulfil His purpose. Regardless of the circumstances you’ve faced, God is still at work and wants to use you to advance His kingdom.

Having a kingdom-minded perspective allows you to see opportunities to make an impact. With the Holy Spirit’s guidance, you can outperform your peers in your job, ministry, or business. Seek the Lord’s face and ask for His empowerment through the Holy Spirit to enable you to excel and contribute significantly to God’s kingdom work.

Insight: A kingdom-minded perspective leads to a life of impact and purpose.

Prayer: Father, fill me with the Holy Spirit to excel and outperform my peers in my job, ministry, and business for the advancement of Your kingdom, in Jesus’ name.

Further Bible Reading: Acts 11:23-26
Daily Bible Reading: Psalm 63:1-4

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