Physical Neglect and Carelessness – #DailyDelightDevotional

Daily Delight Devotional – Wednesday, August 9 2023

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

– Psalm 139:14, KJV

God has wonderfully made us. At the same time, He has given us good minds and common sense. Carelessness and neglect of our physical well-being bring about some sicknesses and injuries to us. For example, medical research has shown that it is not good for a person to work excessively hard for long hours, day after day, year after year. Eventually, such a person will experience a breakdown in health.

Habitual unhealthy eating is also a form of carelessness and neglect of our bodies. We all know that smoking, drinking alcohol and using illicit drugs are very harmful to our bodies. Fast and reckless driving puts us and our bodies at risk, as well as jeopardizing others.

What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

– 1 Corinthians 6:19, KJV

You must learn to take care of the Holy Spirit’s temple.

Insight: Willful ignorance of God’s Word is a violation of kingdom principles. If we are sick and have not been actively seeking to learn God’s word, even our prayers are detestable to Him.

Prayer: Father, engrace me with supernatural power to live daily according to your word in order to live a sickness-free life in the name of Jesus.

Further Bible Reading: Psalm 119:67
Daily Bible Reading: Amos 2:1-5

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