How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God; this is the gate of heaven.
– Genesis 28:17
A divine appointment is a moment in time that has been divinely orchestrated to encounter God or for a circumstance to take place, that you eventually realize has been set up by the Holy Spirit. It is a miracle moment when Jacob entered a divine appointment. Sometimes a divine appointment is unexpected. It is only during or afterwards, that you become aware of its significance.
Jacob at night, lying on the hard ground, had a dream. He saw a staircase reaching from heaven to the earth with angels travelling up and down the stairs. And at the very top stood God Almighty, telling Jacob of his identity, his purpose and destiny. He awoke and realized, “This place is not what I thought”. He had stumbled into a divine appointment.
A divine appointment often happens when you are at the end of your capacity. This is the grace of God that He is saying to many of us today, “Where you are — this place, this moment, this season in your life, I am with you.”
Enter into the divine appointment of complete restoration. You may have ended up somewhere you weren’t expecting. It may seem dry. It may be hard and you may feel vulnerable in some way but God says, “This is your place of divine appointment.” On that ministry, business, job, marriage etc. it seems hard and turbulent; because of your encounter with God, your place of distress can turn into a place of wonders.
When God interrupts the darkness with His glory, your heart will turn towards Him in worship. Today, you can anticipate and expect your divine appointment as God is giving you the grace to rename your location (Exodus 15:25) from bitterness to sweetness, from barrenness to fruitfulness and from poverty to prosperity.
This is your place of divine appointment. God is in your location. May you enter into a divine appointment for wonders from now till the end of this year with the oil of the finishing in the name of Jesus.