A divine appointment is a moment in time orchestrated by God for you to encounter Him or a circumstance set up by the Holy Spirit. It is a miracle moment, much
The life that Jesus gives brings light into the life of man. Without Jesus, man remains in utter darkness. Jesus is the light of the glory of God and the light of men.
God has given a command concerning you that you are a ‘god’. This is the way He created you, and that is your original purpose. You are created to manifest Him
Father, bless me with physical, material and spiritual blessings to make a difference in the kingdom throughout this week in the name of Jesus.
Blessed be the
Everything you will ever need to live a comfortable, peaceful life had already been put in place before you were born. When you discover your place in the kingdom
Notice that her faith in Christ was seen by the works that she did, she was full of good works. When she died, the widows came out with evidence of her good works as a means of pleading with God why she must come back to life and she eventually came back to life.
Giving is a kingdom mystery. Giving grace is a virtue that should be desired. In all walks with God, one mystery that is sure is that those who give, increase
Why did Jesus call us the Salt of the Earth and the Light of the World Jesus, in this scripture, is simply saying that as a Christian, wherever you go, whatever you do, whoever you interact with, you are