7 Prophetic Prayer Manifestations for This Week… Abba Father, whatever I desire shall manifest with supernatural abundance and I will never be a victim of
7 #PropheticPrayerManifestations for This Week… Father, every form of opposition assigned by Satan shall bruise under my feet and the grace of God shall be
7 #PropheticPrayerManifestations for This Week… Father, scatter every deceiver around me and engrace me with the spirit of righteousness to be right in all my
7 Prophetic Prayer Manifestations for This Week… Father, engrace me with the power of your word to always build on faith, cast out fear and be obedient to You
7 #PropheticPrayerManifestations for This Week… Father, engrace my life with better things that accompany salvation in the name of Jesus. But, beloved, we are
7 Prophetic Prayer Manifestations for This Week… Father, engrace my life with divine healing and heal me to enjoy perfect health forever by your grace in the
7 Prophetic Prayer Manifestations for This Week… Father, bless me with the timely blessings of the season and keep me from all evils in the land in the name
7 #PropheticPrayerManifestations for This Week… Father, engrace my life with a supernatural harvest that terminates struggling and scarcity and help me to
7 #PropheticPrayerManifestations for This Week… Father, engrace my life with divine healing and heal me to enjoy perfect health forever by your grace in the
7 #PropheticPrayerManifestations for this Week… Father, bless me with the timely blessings of the season and keep me from all evil in the land in the name of