The Bible and Fulfilled Prophecies – #DailyDelightDevotional

Daily Delight Devotional – Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Remember the former things of old, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things that are not yet done, Saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, And I will do all My pleasure.’

– Isaiah 46:9-10, NKJV

One of the sterling attributes of God is His faithfulness to His word. The Bible strengthens our resolve in this regard as we find numerous prophecies that have been fulfilled with astonishing accuracy and precision. Not only that, the Bible also contains prophecies about future events. Some of them have been fulfilled and many more are yet to be fulfilled.

Throughout Scripture, from the birth and ministry of Jesus Christ to the rise and fall of nations, the Bible contains hundreds of prophecies that have come to fruition, providing undeniable evidence of its divine inspiration.

One of the most compelling aspects of biblical prophecy is its focus on Jesus Christ. Over 300 prophecies in the Old Testament point to the coming Messiah, and Jesus fulfilled each one perfectly. From His virgin birth in Bethlehem to His crucifixion and resurrection, Jesus fulfilled every detail of the prophecies concerning the Messiah, confirming His identity as the Son of God and Saviour of the world.

The accuracy of biblical prophecy not only strengthens our faith but also serves as a powerful apologetic tool for defending the truth of Scripture. The fulfilment of prophecy demonstrates God’s sovereignty and His faithfulness to His word. His promises never fail, and His word stands forever. Let us take comfort and confidence in knowing that God’s counsel will stand, and His purposes will be accomplished in His perfect timing.

Insight: The Bible provide insights into God’s divine plan and purpose for humanity and offers guidance and reassurance to believers strengthening our resolve on God’s faithfulness and trustworthiness.

Prayer: Lord, help me to trust in Your promises and find assurance in Your faithfulness.

Daily Bible Reading: Psalm 64-66

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