Daily Delight Devotional – Sunday, July 9 2023
They feared the Lord, and served their own gods, after the manner of the nations whom they carried away from thence.
– 2 Kings 17:33, KJV
They worshipped the Lord but they also served their own gods. The people of Samaria worshipped the Lord but they did not know. The Samaritans had been drifting away from God for several hundred years. It is easy to keep up the rituals but lose intimate personal knowledge about God. There are many in the church in this condition today. They know about God. They know how to sing the songs and they know how to pray and take communion but they do not know Jesus. Many people claim to be Christians today. They go to church on Sunday. However, they do not serve the Lord. Some serve politics, money, pleasure and sports. Make a decision today to worship and serve the Lord dedicatedly and devotedly.
Insight: Some people go through motions of worship but their worship is limited to a few specific acts. At other times, they continue to serve other gods because these were the gods they knew.
Prayer: Father, engrace me and baptise me with the freshness of your spirit to worship and serve you in the name of Jesus.
Further Bible Reading: Matthew 7:21-23
Daily Bible Reading: Exodus 17:1-15